The Clinique de Médecine Sportive de l’Avenir is now an official clinic of Complete Concussion Management ™ to provide prevention and adapted treatment for concussions
With this collaboration, the Chiromedic Center continues to be at the forefront of the diagnosis, management and treatment of concussions. To do this, we use a comprehensive approach consisting of precise steps, all based on the latest scientific evidence regarding concussions.
Concussions are one of the most common injuries in the sport. Studies show that 10% to 30% of athletes practicing a high-risk sport will have a concussion during the season. These statistics are certainly underestimated since research suggests that up to 50% of concussions are undiagnosed or simply reported.
A concussion can be defined as a disruption of neurological function following an impact to the head or any other part of the body. This causes a brain biochemical imbalance, a decrease in blood flow and a temporary energy deficit of brain cells. In other words, it is a type of brain trauma that can have significant consequences on the brain. Symptoms include, but are not limited to;
As a result, if you suffer from any of these symptoms as a result of a blow to the head or any other part of the body, you have probably suffered a concussion. You should benefit from personalized follow-up as quickly as possible.
When we suspect a concussion, the athlete must immediately be removed from any activity, assessed and put to complete rest to alleviate the energy deficit. Studies have shown that any activity, whether mental or physical, in the days following the concussion leads to delayed healing and should be avoided until the athlete no longer experiences any symptoms.
It is important to treat a concussion well because of the energy deficit in the brain that occurs as a result of the injury. When the brain is in this state of low energy, studies have established that the brain is excessively vulnerable to additional trauma. In other words, as small as the second impact is, it can lead to a second concussion that will cause severe brain damage. These can be permanent or even fatal. Therefore, it should be noted that concussion is not necessarily the problem since it can be treated and generally cured completely, it is the bad management of the concussion which is the real problem.
Indeed, it is important to know that the symptoms disappear before healing of the brain. The only way to determine the complete healing of the brain and determine that it is no longer in its “vulnerable period” is to compare the initial functions of the brain (basic test) with those of today in post -trauma. In other words, to determine that an athlete is fully recovered, we must first know how he was when he was healthy. Without this information, we can not be sure that an athlete is back to normal and we can not ensure that the return to sport is safe. It is therefore important to carry out a baseline assessment in pre-season. In the absence of a basic test, the clinician must perform more post-trauma tests to avoid any return to training too early.
If pain persists and you need help, our multidisciplinary team will be able to get you back on track quickly.
First, each level of the program must be completed in conjunction with a certified CCMI professional such as Dre Marie-Chistine Gougoux D.C. and Dr. Theery Piché D.C.. But this does not imply that each stage must be produced in a clinical setting. On the contrary, many are supervised by the professional, but practiced at home. In addition, each step must be spaced at least 24 hours apart and the athlete must not experience any symptoms during these 24 hours. In other words, to evolve through the levels, the patient should not experience any symptoms for 24 hours before moving on to the next level. If symptoms occur at any level, the athlete must return to the previous level for a period of 24 hours and be symptom free at this level before they can retry the next level. Each level indicated by ** means that this level must absolutely be completed under the supervision of a certified CCMI professional.
The 10-step program is for anyone who has had a concussion. Whether it’s a car accident, a sports accident or a fall, whether it’s 2 days or 10 months ago, the program can help you regain your normal physical and cognitive abilities. Thus, it is effective for both high performance athletes and road accident victims. Each stage of treatment is adapted to your condition, your age and your needs.
In addition, the program has a preventive component. Indeed, we can take you in hand even before you have a concussion. This is possible with what is called basic evaluation. It is mainly dedicated to anyone (more often sports) at risk of having a concussion during the season. The basic assessment determines your skills in normal times and allows a better comparison of your condition when you suffer a concussion. Because of this, the basic evaluation greatly helps your healing in a concussion.
For details of these steps, please click here (french only).
The basic assessment consists of 9 different tests that have all been demonstrated for validity as a concussion test in many scientific research. The baseline test measures the functionality of each area of the brain when the patient is not injured. Thus, when an impact occurs and a concussion is suspected, the baseline test may be repeated a second time and the results given may be compared to the healthy state. This allows for a more accurate diagnosis, to indicate the level of healing of the brain and finally to determine the safe time for the individual to resume physical activity. Studies have shown that a single test on the computer is not enough. So be alert, any clinic offering a basic assessment that involves only ONE test (often an online test or SCAT3) is not enough to make accurate decisions. Using this type of test is certainly inexpensive, but it puts the athlete at risk. Because of this, the basic test is the most important thing to do at the beginning of the season of each sport, and this on an annual basis.
The Chiromedic Center is proud to follow the top athletes in their health program. That’s why we care about the follow-up of concussions to avoid the consequences they cause and allow a return to the game faster and safer. That’s why Groupe Yvon Michel (GYM) trusts us and gives us the cerebral security of their professional boxers in their hands.
Complete Concussion Management ™ is a concussion research company that educates healthcare professionals on concussion management and treatment protocols. It is based on the latest medical research to provide the best quality of treatment and follow-up for the athlete.
Certified Complete Concussion Management ™ clinicians are continually informed about new developments in concussion research and treatment. This ensures safe and responsive management and healing, which limits the risk of further injury or permanent brain damage. In addition, CCMI clinics offer basic (see below) uniform assessments, return to school guides, back to play and return to work.
Aside from certified clinicians, CCMI offers basic first aid trainings for coaches so they are able to properly recognize concussions. In addition, those who have received the course get access to the mobile application for smartphones. This application allows you to ask the right questions in the field and report the injuries quickly to the clinic. During the follow-up, the application is also used to demonstrate the progress of athletes suffering from concussion. The coaches can see where each athlete is.
Finally, each CCMI clinic is connected to a secure electronic health system that stores all the information related to your concussion. Thus, you can access your file at any CCMI clinic across Canada. This means that the basic test performed in one city can serve as a comparison for a possible concussion occurrence in another city.
Our multidisciplinary sport medecine team will be happy to help you. Contact us for all your questions or to book an appointment.